Schezwan Fried Rice | 10 Best Indo-Chinese Recipes | Chef Anupa | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

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Sanjeev Kapoor

Published on Jul 14, 2018
One of the most popular Chinese dishes ever, Fresh cut vegetables and rice tossed in spicy schezwan sauce thus makes a full meal by itself. You can have it as it is, with no need for anything else to go with it. SCHEZWAN FRIED RICE Ingredients 1 tablespoon Schezwan sauce 1½ cups short grain Basmati rice, soaked for 20 minutes and drained Salt to taste 1 medium carrot 6-8 French beans 1 medium green capsicum ½ medium cabbage 3-4 stalks spring onion greens 1 spring onion bulb 1 tablespoon oil White pepper powder to taste ½ teaspoon broth powder 1 teaspoon vinegar Method 1. Heat 5-6 cups water in a deep non-stick pan. Add salt and bring to a boil. Add rice, mix lightly, cover and cook till rice is ¾th done, stirring occasionally. Strain in a colander, spread on a plate and set aside to cool. 2. Chop carrot, French beans, capsicum, cabbage, spring onion greens and spring onion bulb. 3. Heat oil in a non-stick wok. Add chopped vegetables and sauté for 1-2 minutes. 4. Add Schezwan sauce, pepper powder and broth powder and mix. Add cooked rice and toss well. 5. Add half the spring onion greens, mix and cook for 1-2 minutes. Add vinegar and mix well. 6. Garnish with remaining chopped spring onion greens and serve hot. Click to Subscribe: For more recipes : Best cooked in Wonderchef Kitchenware. Buy Now on : Facebook : Twitter : #sanjeevkapoor
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