November 27 2014 - Peace News - Brahma Kumaris

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Godlywood Studio

Published on Apr 02, 2018
HEADLINES : -Program "The Future of Power" organised in Ajmer, Participants from country abroad highlighted to include Rajayoga in Life -Seminar for Politicians in Om Shanti Retreat Centre (Gurgaon), Call to Adopt Spirituality for Better Leadership in Life -Program of Bhagavad Gita in Muzaffarpur (Bihar), Advice to learn Rajayoga to get victory over vices --Program for Businessmen & Industrialist in Maharajpura (Gwalior), Discussion to create a balance between business and Life -Program of the mega project "7 Billion Acts of Goodness" continued in many places of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, Appeal to perform good deeds -Inauguration of the Newly Constructed Brahma Kumaris Centre in Basoli (Badayuin), Spread Godly Message through rally in the city -Advice to prevent addiction through De-Addiction Chariot in Faridkot (Punjab), People attended in huge number
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