Dear Data Community Dr Alejandro Jaimes has a message for you

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Aegis TV

Published on Jul 01, 2020
Alejandro (Alex) Jaimes is Dataminr’s Chief Scientist and Senior Vice President of AI. His work focuses on mixing qualitative and quantitative methods to gain insights on user behavior for product innovation. Alex is a scientist and innovator with 15+ years of international experience in research leading to product impact at companies including Yahoo KAIST Telefónica IDIAP-EPFL Fuji Xerox IBM Siemens and AT&T Bell Labs. Previously Alex was head of R&D at DigitalOcean CTO at AiCure and director of research and video products at Yahoo where he managed teams of scientists and engineers in New York City Sunnyvale Bangalore and Barcelona. He was also a visiting professor at KAIST. He has published widely in top-tier conferences (KDD WWW RecSys CVPR ACM Multimedia etc.) and is a frequent speaker at international academic and industry events. He holds a PhD from Columbia University.
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